Nonprofit Think Tank on the Future of Work
Ontario Nonprofit Network
In 2021, the Ontario Nonprofit Network invited Creatives Futures to contribute to the Nonprofit Driven annual conference held in November. To explore emerging employment trends and their possible implications on the charitable and nonprofit sector, we delivered an interactive session that included a presentation on trends impacting the future of work over the next decade, along with participatory discussions about specific trends and their implications for the nonprofit sector.
Our Approach:
Working closely with ONN, we designed an interactive session that met their desired outcomes, was relevant to ONN’s intended audiences, and aligned to their budget.
Over 90 minutes, we provided an overview of emerging future of work trends, and facilitated breakout room discussions about their implications for the nonprofit sector.
To support these discussions, we developed a virtual whiteboard platform allowing participants to capture their thoughts directly, and support ONN’s report development.
Information gathered at this session will inform a forthcoming report from ONN exploring the impact of emerging future of work trends on the nonprofit network.
“Creative Futures took our vision for engaging nonprofits in a virtual think tank and brought it to life for 90 minutes where participants learned something new and contributed on a complex topic.”