Past work.

  • Region of Waterloo

    2023 - 2027 Corporate Strategic Plan: A future-focused and participatory approach to developing the Region of Waterloo’s strategic plan.

  • McMaster University

    Imagining 2080: A forum on Canada’s futures where 150 posibility-minded delegates gathered for three days in Hamilton, ON to explore possible futures for Canada in 2080.

  • North York General Hospital

    People-Centred Care Strategy: Development of an ambitious five-year plan that puts patients, community, hospital staff and physicians at the centre.


    Career Development in 2040: A multi-phased research project exploring possible futures of work, careers, and career development professionals.

  • University of Calgary

    Futures of Prairie-Based Theatre: A collaborative deep exploration into the preferred futures of theatre in the Canadian prairies.

  • Canadian Institute for Advanced Research

    Strategy development: External interviews and a staff retreat to inform the future organizational strategy.

  • Evergreen

    My Future Home Forum: National and regional workshops with youth, newcomers and seniors exploring their preferred housing futures.

  • The Dais

    Employment in 2030 Action Labs: a multi-phased research initiative translating labour market information into actionable solutions in YT, BC, MB, QC, NL.

  • City of Calgary

    Future of remote work: An exploration of the futures of work at the City to inform Calgary’s remote work policy.

  • Special Report: Leadership in 2030

    Futures of public and non-profit sector leadership in 2030: Research collaboration with the Leadership Lab describing 13 emerging trends impacting the future of social purpose leadership.

  • University of the Fraser Valley

    School of Creative Arts in 2040: An assessment of the future needs of UFV’s School for Creative Arts based on emerging post-secondary trends.

  • Mothercraft

    Option assessment + 10-year action plan: Translating an ambitious 10-year growth plan into tangible actions that anticipate the range of changes impacting the futures of early learning.

  • City of Calgary

    Calgary 2035 Scenarios & Toolkit: Development of a strategic foresight toolkit to support future-focused decision making across the City of Calgary.

  • YES Montreal

    Future of Work Training: A two-part online professional development program for career practitioners

  • Mass Culture

    Maker Space 2030: A creative workshop to explore, experiment, and interrogate preferred futures of Canada’s arts sector as part of Mass Culture’s ASO conference.

  • ORION THINK 2022 Conference

    Bold New World: A closing keynote presentation exploring three radically optimistic futures of public and nonprofit sector leadership.

  • City of Calgary

    Future-Focused Facilities Planning: Development of a future-focused assessment to support the City’s Corporate Facility Portfolio Plan.

  • Galleries Ontario

    Looking to the Future: Facilitation of a hands-on strategic foresight professional development workshop for gallery leaders

  • Next Generation Foresight Practitioners Award Project

    Open Scan: A foresight capacity-building program for municipal innovators exploring Canadian cities in 2040.

  • Cybera Cyber Summit

    The New Normal: A keynote address exploring possible futures of work in a post-COVID context.

  • City of Calgary

    Smart Calgary Strategic Focus Areas: Facilitation of future-oriented workshops to inform the City of Calgary’s priorities related to smart cities.

  • Ontario Non-profit Network

    Nonprofit Think Tank on the Future of Work: Facilitation of an interactive conference workshop exploring emerging trends and possible implications.

  • Evergreen

    Our Urban Futures Toolkit: Translation of a complex foresight initiative exploring the futures of infrastructure planning to support replication.

  • Ontario Creates

    Think like a Futurist: Facilitation of a board of directors strategy session exploring the possible futures of creative industries in Ontario.

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