Bold New World

ORION’s THINK Conference 2022 - Forging the Future

What if public and nonprofit sector leadership radically evolved over the next few years? Current leadership models and structures are not working in many public and nonprofit contexts. Prior to COVID-19, many organizations were struggling to address systemic racism, gender equality, Indigenous reconciliation and shifting generational values, creating tension for dominant leadership philosophies. Many of these challenges have been intensified by COVID-19 stresses and financial constraints, while a host of other challenges have emerged, demonstrating the fraught nature of current leadership approaches.

Creative Futures delivered a closing keynote presentation at ORION’s THINK 2022 Conference - Forging the Future, exploring emerging changes impacting leadership philosophies, aspirational future scenarios that might unfold, and present-day examples that illustrate the possibility of these futures.

Our Approach:

We provoked a conversation about a range of bold new worlds of leadership, including:

  • A future where virtual, distributed teams are thriving, and individuals no longer identify as leaders.

  • A future where those with lived experience are put at the centre of decision-making, and leaders reflect the vibrant diversity of the communities served.

  • A future where the comprehensive needs of teams are prioritized, and leaders are vocal advocates for social change.


Using a series of poll questions, Creative Futures actively engaged the in-person and virtual audience throughout the presentation, followed by a lively discussion about “quiet quitting” and the importance of considering how teams and organizational functions are evolving more broadly.